Jméno: Michal Valík
Přezdívka: Valda
Věk: 17
Oblíbení wrestleři: Bobby Lashley, Tropick Shake
Oblíbená hudba: Metallica, U2, Coldplay, Pink Floyd
Má rád: kytaru, holky, sport
Nemá rád: šampóny, náboženství
Jméno: Beanpole
Přezdívka: "Freak of Nature"
Výška: 186 cm
Váha: 70
Entrance theme: Metallica - So What
Zakončovací chvat: Green Nature Slam (GNS), BeanLock
Debut: Sunday Night Adventure #1
Přehled komentářů
Jestly sem te urazil tak promin asi sem se nemel takhle unahlit tak sry nezachoval sem se dobze tak sory
(Enode, 11. 1. 2009 11:46)Ja sem enode z DOW a mas neco proti nabozenstvi za tohle bych ti rad predved zakoncovak "Soldier side" muj email gal12@seznam.cz
wrestling passion
(tak, 18. 9. 2008 7:40)
I contacted you maybe again since My passion is getting bigger. I am looking for a nice mid-small prowrestling group, where I can step into wrestling world.
I thought that wrestling is just for huge muscle monsters but seein your page my passion is coming back again.
My name is Tak, 5. 10 175 29yo... I do jujitsu but not wrestling (just some basic trainings before). I would like to enjoy wrestling and trainigns with you because I have similar physique, I know you are prowrestler so even if sizewise similar your body is much tougher than mine but I hope that my jujitsu skills help to devlep my wrestling to enjoy my passion with you.
I want to come to your area and can we meet for trainings? Yes I know that just 1 or 2 days training is not enough tobecome a prowrestler, but I would like to start my experience with you.
Best regards,
(Enode, 29. 1. 2009 17:15)